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Many schools have “extra-curriculars.”  At Archbishop Curley High School, however, we offer “co-curriculars,” because we recognize the lessons that can be learned from these “outside the classroom” experiences. Whether it is on the athletic field, on a club field trip, or on the stage, these important campus activities co-exist with the academic curriculum and serve not only as a supplement, but as an extension of the school’s mission.

As such, Co-Curricular Activities are a valuable part of the Curley Experience.  By involving themselves in areas of interest, Curley students acquire important life skills and make lasting friendships.  Research has shown that students involved in co-curriculars perform better academically and go on to achieve great things in college.  Indeed, as a college-preparatory institution, Curley encourages all students to be involved in at least some aspect of campus life, since most colleges today seek applicants who have well-rounded high school experiences that include co-curriculars and the leadership experiences that often come with them.

Archbishop Curley High School boasts well over 30 co-curricular clubs and activities, plus Athletics and the Arts.


Anime Club

Moderator: Mrs. Katherine Owens 

Anime has captured the hearts of young people for decades. The Japanese cartoons have a certain allure with their whimsical art styles and fantastical plots. The Anime Club exists for the members to be entertained by watching anime, sharing their hobby with others, and giving new fans a means to discover the world of anime.


Art Club

Moderator:  Mr. Mark Halcott

The art club comes together to explore and create art. Members engage in various artistic activities, such as drawing, painting, sculpture, and digital art. The club fosters skill development and encourages creative expression in a fun environment. It serves as a supportive environment for artists of all skill levels to share ideas, collaborate, and gain inspiration. 



See the Athletics tab.


Board Games

Moderator:  Mrs. Allison Berrigan

The Board Games Club meets weekly after school to play all sorts of fun card and board games! We enjoy learning new games and playing old favorites. 


Blackfriars’ Theatre

Moderator:  Mr. Ed Lawrence

Blackfriars’ Theatre presents two major theatrical productions each school year, one in late November and the other in March. The goal of Blackfriars is to involve as many students as possible in their productions, either on the stage or behind the scenes. Auditions are held for each production and then the rehearsals for the shows are determined by the schedules of the production staff and cast members. Rehearsals are typically held Monday through Thursday after school and on Sunday afternoons (for musicals).  Cast members are only required to attend rehearsals for their role in the show.


Black Student Union

Moderator:  Mr. Charles Jackson ’02,

The mission of the Black Student Union is to provide opportunities for members of the Curley Family to increase their appreciation of African-American and Pan-African cultures.  In the Franciscan tradition, our goal is to bring cultural awareness to Curley by inviting and encouraging our school community to share and celebrate all forms of diversity and unity through educational, social, service programs and activities.


Chess Club

Moderator: Mrs. Joanne Berkey

The Chess Club is open to all students and has active members in all grades.  In recent years around three dozen students have joined the club each fall.  During typical meetings students relax and play several games and/or participate in instruction on techniques and strategy.  The Chess Club challenges the faculty in friendly competition twice a year. Checkmate!



Moderator:  Mr. Michael Gaffney

See the Fine Arts tab.


Cooking Club

Moderator:  Mrs. Emily Vandergriff

Cooking Club aims to teach students a variety of basic cooking and baking skills, as well as introduce them to a potential career path. Students learn how to prepare different dishes, such as appetizers, main courses, and desserts. They will also learn kitchen safety, cleanliness, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. 



Moderator: Mr. Steve Streckfus ’93

The CORD, Curley’s yearbook, consists of a 144-page hardback copy, delivered in May, and a 28-page spring supplement, delivered in September. The CORD staff works after school and during a full-credit class to produce a book of memories for the entire school community to enjoy. Meetings are held twice during the summer to make plans, and the staff works both before and after school five days a week throughout the school year.


Debate Club

Moderator:  Mr. Karl Dotterweich

The Debate Team will compete in policy debates in the Baltimore Catholic Forensic League. The team will meet once a week, and competitions will occur roughly once a month on Saturdays. 


Flex Team

Moderator:  Fr. Chris Dudek OFM Conv.

The FLEX Team stands for Franciscan Leaders Encountering Christ. The FLEX Team is the peer ministry program at Archbishop Curley High School. Upperclassman students interested in serving in this role apply in the Spring and are involved with all aspects of the school’s spiritual life including school liturgies, retreats and FYM projects.


Franciscan Youth Ministry

Moderator:  Fr. Chris Dudek OFM Conv.

Open to all students, this dynamic group of individuals devote themselves to serving the school in four different capacities in conjunction with the FYM director. While all students are able to participate in all four office activities, each office is responsible for the planning and execution of their specific areas.  The Office of Spiritual Life’s main task is to plan and help run all liturgical events that occur at school: Mass, Holy Hours, Reconciliation Services.  The Office of Social Justice is involved in the Christmas/Lenten projects, Outreach to the sick and March for Life.  The Office of Art and Environment is responsible for all FYM ministry events’ artwork.  This office also participates in photographing those events and maintaining the FYM web-pages.  The Office of Christian Formation is responsible for Retreats, Open House and FUSE (sports chaplaincy).  Christian fellowship will be at the heart of FYM so we will plan social activities in keeping with the group’s objectives.  We will seek to promote a greater atmosphere of reverence and respect for all life and provide avenues of service to the school and community.


Friars Nation – Live Streaming Club

Moderators: Dcn. Tim Maloney & Mr. Joe Gaeta

Alumni Advisors: Mr. Joe Citro ’69 & Mr. Pablo Sainz ’94

FRIARS NATION showcases both school activities and athletic events by live streaming for all in the Curley Family to view across the globe! Friars Nation is where you want to be if you have an interest in any aspects of television or broadcasting.  Students have the opportunity to develop their skills working as cameramen, broadcasting play-by-play or as color commentators for athletic events. The club will also live stream other school activities. The club will host special guests and tours to learn more about the television and broadcasting industry.

If you want to have some fun and learn about broadcasting at the same time, come join FRIARS NATION!


Golf Club 

Moderator: Mr. Mark Johnson ’76 

The Golf Club is dedicated to introducing Curley students to the sport of golf. No experience is necessary to join the Golf Club and students will learn the basics of golf rules and swing mechanics. All skill levels from beginner to advanced are welcome at the Golf Club. 


Homework Club

Moderator: Mr. Peter Snarski 

The Homework Club meets Mondays through Thursdays from 2:45-3:30. It offers students in The St. Anthony Program an opportunity for reinforcement of skills, help with organization, and a quiet place to begin their homework.



Moderator:  Ms. Danielle Larsen

Interested in a career in the Health Sciences?  Join us for HOSA.  We meet every other week in the second floor science lab.  We provide opportunities to learn more about careers in health fields and participate in local and national conferences.



Moderator: Mr. Nick Brownlee ’96 

Under the supervision of the Intramurals Director, this program provides an ample opportunity for all students to participate in athletics. Flag  football, soccer, kickball and basketball will be offered. The intramural program helps to promote teamwork, physical activity and support of the Curley tradition of brotherhood.


It’s Academic Team

Moderators:  Mr. Muth ’09 and Mr. Polsinelli ’03

The club is perfect for anyone interested in trivia. The team prepares for various academic competitions held during the school year by participating in question-and-answer practice sessions. The competitions utilize different formats, but all require broad-based knowledge and quick responses. Competitions are held at local high schools and universities as well as on television as part of WJZ TV It’s Academic program. The team meets weekly after school during the school year. Students of all grade levels are eligible to participate and are encouraged to join the team.


Math NHS

Moderator:  Mrs. Carrie Jenkins


Model UN


The Model United Nations club meets weekly to discuss foreign affairs and learn about diplomacy, foreign policy, and international law, focusing on the United Nations and regional organizations.  Club members will be assigned a country to research and then represent at the Johns Hopkins Model United Nations conference, a three day conference held in Baltimore in February.

Music Club

Moderator:  Mr. Richard Golden

Objective: Students will become familiar with different genres of music in order to have a better understanding of how music is an expression of self.

Weekly or bi-weekly-Listening to music, watching videos pertaining to the topic for the week

Introduction – What music means to all of us, Expression of self, Famous musicians matching with genre


National Honor Society


Curley is home to the Cardinal Shehan Chapter of NHS.


Outdoors Club

Moderator:  Mr. Travis Williams

The outdoor club is designed for students who enjoy outdoor activities. Our focus for most meetings and trips are based around fishing. A ski trip is in the works for winter. Other activities include; Biking, sailing, climbing, high ropes and zip lining.


Photography Club

Moderator: Mr. Steve Streckfus ’93 

The Photo Club will meet twice a month.  Meetings will focus on learning how to operate camera equipment and learning proper composition of photographs. A major goal of the Photography Club is to report on events in the community and to support Curley’s social media platforms and the CORD. 


Ping Pong Society 

Moderator: Mrs. Natalie Hax & Mr. Matt Walton

Do you enjoy playing Ping Pong? If so, the Ping Pong Society is for you! The Ping Pong Society meets two times a week from September to March with the goal of giving students an opportunity to build the Curley Brotherhood through participation in the great sport of Ping Pong. All skill levels are welcome! The Ping Pong Club hosts annual class tournaments to determine the best players in each class and culminates with the tournament of champions to determine Curley’s King of Ping Pong!


Podcast Club

Moderator: Mrs. Kathy Schucker

Journalism is changing and the way news is reported and received is changing.  To keep up with the times, the Podcast Club was founded to report on the stories of the Curley community through the medium of podcasts and video shorts. Students may serve as editors, reporters, writers, audio technicians and videographers.


Praise Band  

Moderator: Mr. Owen Edwards

The Praise Band is Curley’s contemporary Christian music ensemble that performs at Curley’s school masses and Holy Hour celebrations. Vocalists, guitarists, bassists and drummers of all skill levels and experience are welcome. 


Robotics Club

Moderator: Mrs. Julie Wysocki 

Robotics!! If you build it, we will compete!  In the VEX Robotics Competition, teams of students are tasked with designing and building a robot to play against other teams from around the world in a game-based engineering challenge. Classroom STEM concepts are put to the test on the playing field as students learn lifelong skills in teamwork, leadership, communications, and more. Tournaments are held year-round at the regional, state, and national levels; local champions go on to compete against the best in the world at the VEX Robotics World Championship each April!


Service Club

Moderator:  Mrs. Maria Hernandez

 The Service Club is an active organization that promotes community engagement and social responsibility among its members. Guided by fundamental Franciscan values—integrity, empathy, collaboration, and respect—and a dedication to reaching out to marginalized groups, the club strives to empower students to make significant contributions to society while enhancing their personal and leadership skills. Through various service initiatives, such as volunteering at local organizations and organizing collection events, the Service Club embodies Franciscan values and a commitment to outreach. By upholding these principles, the club not only enriches the lives of its members but also positively impacts the community, fostering a ripple effect of kindness and support. 


Scouting Club  

Moderator: Dcn. Tim Maloney

The Scouting Club is open to all scouts. The Scouting Club allows scouts to come together, support each other on the “Trail to Eagle,” support Curley while having a little Scouting fun as well.


Spanish National Honor Society

Moderator:  Ms. Cheryl Jose

Spanish IV students are eligible for membership at the recommendation of the teacher.  It is an honor given to fourth year Spanish students who meet the national criteria at the beginning of the fourth quarter.


Student Government

Moderators:  Ms. Caroline Kogler and Mrs. Allison Berrigan

Elected members of the Student Government Association do more than just represent the student body to faculty and administration. SGA is responsible for shaping much of the student experience at Archbishop Curley High School. SGA offers students the opportunity to develop good citizenship by giving the students an opportunity to have a part in self-government by working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students. This highly active and visible organization serves the entire student body by sponsoring and organizing extra-curricular activities that range from service projects to semi-formal dances. SGA works closely with other student clubs in support of a number of school spirit activities and resources.


Ultimate Frisbee Team Club

Moderator: Mr. Dan Ayd ’18

The Ultimate Frisbee club is a casual yet competitive group of students that practice the sport of “Ultimate Frisbee” or “Ultimate”. Students meet for regular practices in the spring and compete against other local high schools in the greater Baltimore area in games and tournaments. Games are played 7 vs 7 on a field slightly thinner than a soccer pitch with the objective of passing a disc to a teammate into an end zone to score (no baskets for this sport!) This club serves as an alternative to traditional MIAA sports at Curley, giving a fun opportunity for those that have never played organized sports while still bringing in veteran off-season athletes. Come toss a disc with us!


Video Game Club

Moderator: Ms. Catherine Smith & Mrs. Nancy Dalina

The VGC is a space for students to experience in a social environment their hobby of playing video games. There is a strong, growing subculture built on various games and this club is an opportunity for students to find like-minded peers. Multi-player, single-player and tournament games will be offered. Activities include discussions on gaming strategies and game creation as well as actual gameplay. Games and platforms will be provided by the students and must be approved. The student assumes the risk of bringing any technology into school. Students of any grade level are invited to participate.

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